Bridge HR articles
21 Jan Redundancy: An overview of the basis and the process
The word “redundancy” is commonly used in the field of employment law. But, it is not always...
25 Nov Will Labour Really Abolish Workers Status?
There are currently, I would argue, four key statuses for people in work (excluding volunteers and...
03 Sep Day one Employment rights to claim unfair dismissal...really?
The new Government is proposing to change the law so that certain rights arise from the start of...
29 May The New Carer's Leave Act May Not Be So Caring After All!
Carer's Leave came into effect in April 2024, entitling employees to unpaid leave to give or...
17 Apr Carer's Leave Act 2023: How does it work?
Here are key things you need to know about the new Carers Leave...
13 Dec What is Whistleblowing? Shaun Pinchbeck, Employment Law Solicitor, outlines the basics
The concept of 'blowing the whistle' has received some media attention, most recently in respect of...
20 Oct Do employers have to give a reason for ending an employee’s employment?
Well, in a typical legal response - Yes and No.
27 Sep What is a disability in law? Shaun Pinchbeck explores the basics for employers
Most employers are, I think, aware that they cannot discriminate against employees, customers or...
26 Jul Restrictive Covenants In Employment Contracts: What can be restricted and how?
In this article, Shaun Pinchbeck, Senior Employment Law Solicitor, explain what restrictive...